31 July, 2012

Windows Smart Card Subsystem and Remote Sessions


1. When you have an eToken usb device which is connected to a PC somewhere in your home or office and you want to use this token via a remote session. For instance. you're in another city with your favourite notebook. You use built-in Windows Remote Desktop  Connection to access some applications required the usb token. Here we have an RDP session.
2. At work you have a VMware View infrastructure that uses PCoIP protocol. You added a usb passthrough device to a specific virtual machine. It means that your token connected directly  to the ESXi host. This is the only possible way to make a token visible in a virtual machine that I know (directly connected tokens on the client side doesn't work in PCoIP). Then a user opens VMware View client and wants to access the token through some special applications.


Microsoft Smart Card subsystem blocks access to any locally attached usb tokens or smart card readers in a remote session. Theoretically, you should attach required devices on the client side, but it's not cool and often is not acceptable. I've seen this problem using such protocols as RDP or PCoIP (let's call them session protocols), whereas everything works fine via VNC or Radmin, because these products use their own methods to connect directly to the local session of PC or virtual machine.


I tried to find an answer in the Internet fields. I looked through many forums finding any helpful information. So, I decided to solve the issue by my own.
First thing that I did was to emulate the situation. I took a usb eToken and attached it to a virtual machine on VMware ESXi host. After that, I had to add one usb controller and my usb device to the VM in vCenter. Next, I opened view client and connected to my vm. I used eTokens by Aladdin-rd. There are special drivers for eTokens - PKI client 5.1 SP 1. It can be downloaded from the official site.
After we have the token and required drivers, it's possible to test the issue. If open eToken Prperties in local session and go to Managing Readers, we'll see this:

But if we do it in a remote session, we'll get 0 readers instead of 2, because eToken service couldn't get any information from a Windows smart card subsystem. Let's have a look on a smart card architecture in Windows:

It is logical that the problem is somewhere in the core of the architecture, somewhere in WinSCard.dll. But let's begin from the top of the iceberg. eToken Properties is an application included in driver pack eToken PKI Client. We should have a look at an import section:

That's it. The most interesting and valuable in etProps.exe's import section are these functions from WinSCard.dll. After a quick view in MSDN, it's easy to find a necessary function: SCardEstablishContext. There is also a valuable remark to this function:
"If the client attempts a smart card operation in a remote session, such as a client session running on a terminal server, and the operating system in use does not support smart card redirection, this function returns ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE."
Good. Now, we know that it is the function that should be debuged. I prefer to use WinDbg from Debugging Tools. I debuged this function in remote and local sessions and got the next result. Function SCardEstablishContext calls internal InTSMethodWithContext that then also calls undocumented WinStationIsSessionRemoteable from winsta.dll which checks if we work in local or remote session. It's a bad idea to modify winsta.dll - for some programs it's useful to know the real type of session. So, lets patch WinSCard.dll. Function InTSMethodWithContext returns 1 if we work in remote session and 0 if in local. I decided to put "xor eax, eax" in the end of function instead of coping the real value of out WinStationIsSessionRemoteable argument.

Then in hex editor I replaced "0F B6 45 FF" to "33 C0 90 90" with 1C40 offset. Almost done. Finally, the original Windows system file C:\Windows\System32\WinSCard.dll should be replaced by patched and that's it.

After these manipulations I've got a workable Windows Smart Card subsystem and any eTokens work well as in a local session as in a remote one via RDP or PCoIP.

UPD: Don't forget about Windows File Protection mechanisms in Windows. You should turn if off or replace a required file in cache as well. Otherwise, our modified file will be replaced by the original in a background.

UPD: Here is a patch. I tested it only with XP ProSP3/32, However, it should work with 7 Pro/32 too.

UPD: The last version of the path is available at lifayk.com. Here is a direct link: http://lifayk.com/files/scpatch0.3.zip


  1. Hello, can u help me to patch my WinSCard.dll or send me your?

    1. What problems do you have?

    2. I have exactly 1st situation from your note. But i don’t have experience to debug WinSCard.dll , i download windbg, but cant open dll. My Server OS Win2003 SP2. Maybe you can send me patched WinSCard.dll file or send detailed instruction how to patch dll? Thanks for your reply!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Instructions are in this topic. I did this on a client side, so I don't know if it works with Win Server. Unfortunately, I don't have any Windows system right now, but you can send me your original dll or I can write a tiny patch program.

    5. opps! you said, you did this patch only on client side? not on server???
      but i thought and did it on a server side =\

    6. Yes. But the subsystem should be the same. In 2 weeks I'll get all my virtual machines and will be able to check WinServ, too.

    7. My eTokens were attached through a ESXi host to virtual workstations running Windows 7 32-bit. Usually eTokens are used on the client side, not server.

    8. Hmm, let introduce some clearness.

      I have Windows 2008 Server with bank-client & eTokens installed on it. Also i have client (winXP) computer which connected to win2008 via RemoteDesktop.
      Where i should patch winScard file? I've done it on server side already, but it didn't get any effect to client - it still can't see any eTokens via RemoteDesktop.

      Also i tried to patch client-side winScard file on WindowsXP, but i stuck with problem that i can't find WinStationsIsRemoteable function in my local winSTA.dll.

      And finally - where i need to apply patched file in my situation: on client or on server ?


    9. You need to patch on a machine where eTokens are attached. So, in your case, on the Server. I haven't tried it with Windows 2k8, but I thinks it should be the same.

    10. nope! it doesnt! =(
      As i said already - i've patched WinSCard.dll on my Windows Server 2008 R2 x64, and it still doesn't detect any server-side etokent in terminal connection =(
      Some details 'bout my winSCard.dll file:
      file size: 217600
      0D58: 0F -> 33
      0D59: B6 -> C0
      0D5A: 44 -> 90
      0D5B: 24 -> 90
      0D5C: 30 -> 90

      btw, Visual DuxDebugger - pretty nice & free! =)

  2. Hello. May I ask you to share fixed dll? I also have the same issue, but no expertize in dll edit.

    Thank you

  3. привет! Я под Windows 2008 R2 Server x64 не смог получить нужного результата, хотя под отладчиком нашел место проверки ...
    Вместо единички обнулил EAX, но все равно в локальном входе все ОК, а в терминале Etoken не видится =(
    Не сталкивался, в ходе своих поисков, может еще где-то проверка есть?
    Полдня убил на ковыряние, но воз и ныне там =(

    1. загасился походу автор

    2. Печально, блин. Тема-то очень нужная.

    3. согласен! а мёртвая..

  4. It seems that I need to write a patch tool

    1. It would be really great! I had checked my winSCard.dll right after red this article first time and see completely different values. OS is Win 2008 R2.

    2. Hello!
      I have Win2008R2 too, try this "values" =) and post your result here!

      file size: 217600
      0D58: 0F -> 33
      0D59: B6 -> C0
      0D5A: 44 -> 90
      0D5B: 24 -> 90
      0D5C: 30 -> 90

    3. I have the same file. I did this modification, and replaced dll in system32. Did a reboot, and check with bank client. No way, smartcard doesn't visible there.

    4. Amironox, didn't you forget about Windows SFC?

  5. Hello folks. Lifayk thank you for sharing such useful information. I have the same problem with Windows 2003 Server x32. However, after reading your post, I couldn't find the mentioned bytes' succession to do the substitution. I tried it on Windows 2003 server and Windows XP prof, but without success. There is no "0F B6 45 FF" byte-string in winscard.dll. I think my boss would appreciate (in money) your help in this question. He seems very obsessed by the idea of running a certain program on a corporate terminal server wich uses HASP HL keys. Please contact me 1 2 2 at 5 5 5 5 0 . ru

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If anyone finds the offset for the 64bit version of this file please post so we can patch...

    1. 64bit WIN7 Enterp \Windows\SysWOW64\WinSCard.dll
      Search for 0F B6 44 24 30 -> 33 C0 90 90 90

      offset D50

      replace and enjoy

  8. Здравствуйте. У кого-нибудь получилось пропатчить файл для Windows XP prof Sp3?
    Не могу найти указанную последовательность данных. Может кто-то выложит пропатченную dll-ку.

    1. Откуда ей там взяться. Она только на серверных версиях с RDP.

  9. Как я понял автор статьи описывает данный способ на примере Windows 7 32bit.
    Попробовав на win 7, я действительно нашел последовательность данных описанных в данной статье.
    После замены файла, и настройки терминального доступа в win 7, результаты следующие: Если к примеру зайти в начале локально на комп.с win 7 под доменной учеткой то e-token виден, и не выходя из сеанса подключится уже через rdp под той-же учетной записью, то e-token тоже будет виден и с ним можно работать через rdp.
    Но если изначально просто подключаться через rdp то e-token не виден.
    Хотелось бы уточнить, получалось ли у кого-нибудь полноценная работа с e-token через rdp? И если да, то на какой OC?

  10. Hi, All.
    I'd like to repeat one more time. I did above with MS Windows 7 Pro 32-bits. All machines had locally attached eTokens. Users were able to do everything with tokens and machines. WinSCard.dll is a system library and there shouldn't be any problems with accounts and sessions because it doesn't interrelated. I mean that the machines could be successfully restarted and tokens worked fine. All connection to the machines were through RDP or PCoIP.
    I had a look at other OSs. In case with Win 7/2008 the situation is quite common, they use the same subsystem. However, Win XP/2003 use different Telnet Server and the situation is not obvious and requires additional analysing.
    I started to write a patch tool for all Windows versions. Now it works only with 7/2008 32-bits. I hope I'll shortly manage to find some free time to analyse the issues with other OSs and finish the tool.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Can you tell about the availability patch?

    3. Try this: http://goo.gl/iMbkrN

  11. What do you mean with 1c40 offset i find "0F B6 45 FF" I can replace it to "33 C0 90 90" but I dont know what to do with the offset

    1. "Offset" is on the left side in any hex-editor. It means the step from the beginning of a file. There can be more then one mentioned byte sequence in the file, so you need to be sure, that you change the right one.

  12. Hi, lifayk... thanks for your work here... But I realy need this patch for XP... (rdesktop with seamlessrdp mode is mandatory here, and XP works great in this combination)


    1. XP/2003 Terminal subsystem works differently. However, I think it should be possible. Hope, I'll make a new post for this soon.

  13. Hi!
    Thanks for this information, it is useful!
    But can you do a patch to modify file WinSCard.dll for different OS.
    Specially interesting in Windows 7 Pro, Enterprise, Ultimate x86 and x64.
    If you need all original files, I can send these to you.

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Yeah, can you send me original files. I don't have many of mentioned above OSs.

    2. Thanks for reply and able to help!
      In this archive
      there are two files: one for x32 system (Windows 7 SP1 x32 Pro, Ent, Ult - there is the same) and the second for x64 systems (Windows 7 SP1 x64 Pro, Ent, Ult and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP2, also there is the same.

      Please. help in this question.

  14. I find "0F B6 45 FF" and replace to "33 C0 90 90", but no luck, can't see any smart card or etoken while using RDP connection.

    My OS is: Microsoft Windows 7 Pro 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
    OS Language: Ru
    SFC: disabled

    Could you please give an advice, what is the cause?

    1. 32 or 64 bit? What is the number of virtual readers for eTokens do you see in eTokens Properties?

    2. Thank you for your reply.

      32 bit.

      While Console session I can see 6 readers (3 Aktiv Co. IFD Handler
      and 2 Aladdin IFD Handler and Aladdin VR Handler ).

      I cant't see any reader via RDP session.

      Installed PKI client version 5 SP1
      Aktiv Co. IFD Handler - RuToken key reader

    3. It turns out that there is a RPC/DCOM configuration that influences a session situation. It's very interesting. I'm busy for 2-3 weeks, but then I'll investigate it further and publish a patch (it's done already).

    4. Thank you for your efforts. Is it possible to test the patch (If it's done already)? And what is the problem with RPC/DCOM?

  15. For XP SP3 you can replace all occurences of 6800100000FF15C0113B72 by 90909090909090909033C0. So winscard.dll would consider any RDP session as local console session ( GetSystemMetrics(0x1000) -> nopnopnopnopnopnopnopnopnop xor eax, eax )

    1. thank you sir! this one works for windows xp sp3!

  16. Has anyone got the pattern + offset + replacement for Windows 2003 Server sp2?

  17. Hi!
    Will be a good news for us?
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Try this: http://goo.gl/iMbkrN
      I tested it only with XP, but should work with 7 too.
      Please, tell me if the patch works.

    2. Hello, no worked Win7 SP1
      => unknown WinSCard.dll version or already patched!

    3. This is a 64-bit version. The patch doesn't support such systems yet. Anyway, I'll try to add some.

  18. Sorry for a long response..
    I tested on Windows 7 x32 and Windows XP SP3.
    On XP, it was disabled SFC like in this thread http://forums.comodo.com/general-discussion-off-topic-anything-and-everything-b1.0/-t22736.0.html with deleting sfc.dll and sfc_os.dll in windows recovery boot option. After this, i put in Windows\system32 patched winscard.dll (CRC-32: 39984d9e).
    I connected to this Windows XP from RDP, and etoken is visible, and all it is ok.


    On Windows 7 x32, I changed to patched winscard.dll (CRC-32: 083f662d), but etoken it is not visible in etoken properties, and connect with vpn client is not possible.


    Thanks for your work
    Please, make this patch to work on windows 7 X64 also, because on Windows Server 2008R2 SP2, winscard.dll is also like winscard.dll on Windows 7 X64 SP1 (CRC-32: df8cdc58)

    1. Thanks for your feedback! I didn't test on Win7, thus I see a reason now ;)
      I'll fix the Win7x32 issue first and then add x64 support.

    2. I was on holiday. Will work on this in the weekend.

  19. I would be so happy if you can make this happen!

    1. Almost done on Win7. There was a Windows update at some point, so it's not so obvious now, as I described in the post :(

  20. There a news?

    1. Not yet, unfortunately. Still can't find what has been changed. However, I feel I'm close.

  21. Ok. I got it. Writing the patch now. I'll post it today or tomorrow.

    1. Hi! I encountered the same problem. I reversed a list of functions to intercept or patch to work correctly on Win 7, but it does not work if the target process is started from the terminal session (it's ok for Console session). Can you write the list of functions to intercept?

    2. What do you mean by "functions to intercept"? Have you tried the new version 0.2 of the patch? It's available at lifayk.com.

    3. yes,but the hash does not match

      => unknown WinSCard.dll version or already patched!

    4. Win 7 Ultimate x32 with all updates

      WinSCard.dll md5: 3C33562F4FAE3D58E47F662DCE07675E
      SCardSvr.dll md5: 8FC518FFE9519C2631D37515A68009C4

      may be the best idea would be not to check the hashes of files, but do a search for masks?

    5. Could you send these files to me please?

    6. http://www.sendspace.com/file/u5o117

      Could you tell what fucntion/code you're trying to modify in scardsvr.dll file ?

    7. or upload please your version of scardsvr.dll

    8. I assume you don't have a service pack installed. Try the scpatch 0.3. It works with your version now.

  22. The patch is available at my new site: lifayk.com

  23. http://lifayk.com/files/scpatch0.3.zip

    1. Added the link to the post above as an update.

  24. I tested on Windows 7 x64 SP1.
    It works!

    Thank you very much!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. After turning of System File Protection on Windows 7 x64, I still cannot copy the modified .dlls back to system32. See access denied error below. Same error in GUI/Explorer.

      C:\Users\john\Desktop\scpatch0.3>copy *.dll c:\windows\system32\
      Overwrite c:\windows\system32\SCardSvr.dll? (Yes/No/All): Yes
      Access is denied.
      Overwrite c:\windows\system32\WinSCard.dll? (Yes/No/All): Yes
      Access is denied.
      0 file(s) copied.

    3. By default, your are not the owner of these files. You need to make yourself an owner. Also, the file that you want to overwrite can be used by another application, so you can rename it, but not delete.

    4. I have taken ownership of WinScard.dll and SCardSvr.dll and successfully copied them to System32 on Windows 7 64k. Your patch worked in the SafeNet GUI interface in a Remote Desktop Session. The token shows as if it is loaded. However Adobe Acrobat and an iText program do not see the token as loaded. Microsoft Word DOES see the token loaded and can sign. This is a SafeNet 5100 USB Token. I wonder what Microsoft Office 2010 crypto interface it is using and why the others cannot.
      Thanks for all your work.

  25. Thank lifayk, any news on w2k12 r2?

    1. Do you need it? :)
      Right now, there are many interesting things going on around and I don't have time for tokens. However, I will try to add this os asap. Youl'll find it at www.lifayk.com

  26. Hello, need support Win 8, and Win 2012 r2
    scardsvr.dll winscard.dll https://www.sendspace.com/file/1aatfy

  27. Hi Lifayk and everybody. We need this patch to support Windows 8.1 x64. I'm ready to pay this work, anybody can do this patch?

    1. I'm on it. Hope it's not diff so much.

    2. Nice. Can you please write me email to anatoly.pashin@gmail.com so we can discuss ETA and price?

    3. Still no reply from you. Ping please.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I also have problems with win7 64, ask for help

  30. I found a typo in your article, the real function name to patch is:

    Also I tried to patch version for Windows 8.1, but it uses different technique to detect the session is TS or not.

  31. Any update on supporting Windows 2012?

    Thanks in advance.

  32. Thanks for sharing this with us. But I can't get it to work. Found the function InTSRedirectModeWithContext, patched it, but now the service wont start.

    Windows 7 Pro x64
    WinSCard.dll version: 6.1.7601.17514

  33. Any update on supporting windows 8.1 PRO x64 or windows 10 pro x64.


  34. Hello! Lifayk please support version Windows 2012R2 х64. Very needed...

  35. Thank you so much. Worked fine on a Windows 2008R2 x64 machine. RuToken and ETokens now available through RDP connection.

  36. Привет а можете скинуть пропатченную dll для Win7 sp1 буду примного благодарен

    1. лови, модифицированные dll и сам патч выложенный тут ранее автором темы:

    2. Будь добр, перезалей архив.

      Заранее спасибо.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. archive pass scpatch

    1. Hi alex ever file is password protect is it possible to download ? are there a price to pay ? how much cost the patch for windows 2012 r2 64 bit ?
      best regards Antonello ventre

    2. Password is scpatch

  39. Hi Lifayk
    Thanks for the great work.
    I have Windows Server 2012R2 and when I start your tool it throws the error unknown WinSCard.dll version!
    Thanks again and Best Regards

  40. Кто патчил Windows 8.1 PRO? Поделитесь патчеными WinSCard.dll версия 6.3.9600.17415.
    Размер х86 - 169984, х64 - 242176. Нужны и под х86, и под х64. Заранее благодарен. В х86 версии замена ряда "0F B6 45 FF" на "33 C0 90 90" не принесла результата, в х64 ряд обнаружен не был.

  41. Hi Lifayk
    Could you please assist with Windows 2012R2 ?
    Need it rellay urgent. My E-Mail is : andy1976@gmx.de

    Thanks and best Regards

  42. Any news regarding Win 2012R2 ?


  43. Hi Lifayk,

    Your site seems to be down. I'm trying to enable Smartcard from inside RDP in Windows 7 32 bit. ..

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Windows 2003 R2
    021CF 40 => 90
    07734 68 00 10 00 00 FF 15 9C 11 2C 72 85 => 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 33
    07827 05 => 00

  46. Hi there

    could someone help me with Windows 2012 R2 ?


  47. windows 7 64-bit fixed? please

  48. I NEED! Windows 2008 R2 X64 :)

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Dll for Windows Server 2008R2


  51. Any chance for patch for windows 7 64-bit, please?

    1. my email igorlan@onet.pl

    2. http://my-files.ru/x74bmd this dll for windows server & windows 7 x64 (working java only) edit bat file for your user

  52. Hi alex ever file is password protect is it possible to download ? are there a price to pay ? how much cost the patch for windows 2012 r2 64 bit ?
    best regards Antonello ventre

  53. Hello , is there any solution for Windows Server 2012 r2 ?

  54. On the off chance that an essayist uses any sort of relieving data or actualities, then it prompts put a negative impression to client's mind. It allows to others to raise question on your composition ability. So keep your written work far from questions.
    LENOVO WinServ 2012 R2 Foundation

  55. Hi. There are news for windows server 2012 r2?

  56. -=-[BEGIN]-=-
    Mfg: M$
    With help: IDA 6.8 [x64], Hiew 8.40 (Licensed)

    File name: WinSCard.DLL [x64]
    File size: 242 176 bytes

    0000B1BA: 41 0F B6 C6 -> 66 31 C0 90

  57. Plz send your requests together with DLL (as zip/rar password protected archive plz. as password plz use 12345) to KohrAhr@ProtonMail.ch

  58. -=-[BEGIN]-=-
    Title: WinSCard.DLL. NT2019. Windows OS 10.0.17763.1
    Mfg: M$
    With help: IDA 6.8 [x64], Hiew 8.40 (Licensed)
    Tested: YES!

    File name: WinSCard.DLL [x64]
    File size: 246 272 bytes
    MD5: 06aa800097ee6692e3d2353e4d1d0d58

    00005ADC: 8B 43 48 -> 31 C0 90

  59. MD5 Befor:
    Tokens do not work.
    Then i use SCpatch0.3 and patch SCardSvr.dll
    after patch
    Still not working. What i doing wrong?

    1. maybe need patch WinSCard in SysWOW64?

  60. pls help, how to avoid Windows 10 selfrestore, how to place unsigned DLL in SystemWOW64? changing WinSxS is not working.

  61. Hello friends!

    When you run "SCpatch0.3.exe" in OS "Windows server 2008 R2" - the message "unknown winscard.dll version!" Next to the file, winscard.dll.bak is created and, as far as I understand, the source file is not corrected (because after writing this file to "System32", the problem is not solved). On this topic, I see that many people on "Windows server 2008 R2" have it all - friends, please tell me what the reason may be (I will be grateful if you drop the corrected file "winscard.dll") If that - my mail "www063.92@yandex.ru".

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    1. Не обновляй винду до последних версий, точно не скажу какое именно обновление изменяет файл winscard.dll.

    2. SeGa, добрый день. А чисто теоретически, если я ему в "System32" своей версии ОС подсуну скорректированный файл "winscard.dll" - он же его должен принять? Буду очень благодарен, если возможность поделиться уже скорректированным файлом (выше люди кидали ссылки, на уже скорректированные фалы, но к сожалению сейчас они не доступны). Так не хочется устанавливать более старую ОС - очень много всего нужно будет заново настраивать...

    3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/rrichjpel4sw2cv/64.rar?dl=0 патчил в 16 году. Как оригинальный(.bak) так и пропатченные файлы

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Не знаю как оно себя будет работать если подсунуть эти файлы в 2008r2 с последними патчами.

  62. Прошу помочь патчем на server 2016 за вознаграждение

    1. тебе просто файлик подправить надо, или нечто большее?

      Plz send your requests together with DLL (as zip/rar password protected archive plz. as password plz use 12345) to KohrAhr@ProtonMail.ch

  63. Hello, I need patched winscard.dll files, fr different windows 10 versions. Please find below winscards from sys32 and syswow64 folders:
    OS 10.0.17134.706 - https://www.sendspace.com/file/5ln6vn
    OS 10.0.17134.765 - https://www.sendspace.com/file/s8eic5
    OS 10.0.17763.503 - https://www.sendspace.com/file/yreo4q
    I am ready to pay certain fee, for working patched files.
    Please contact by folowing email: benkamb95@gmail.com

  64. Подскажите есть ли решение для windows 2016 64?

    1. Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]

  65. need help with winscard.dll for windows 10 x64 ver.10.0.18362.267

    1. Need help with patch windows server 2016 x64. unkindlysiy@mail.ru

  66. Need help with patch windows 10 x64 (10.0.18362.592). Password for rar archive is "12345"
    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YUyB_0iTGzIRq34g0vsgJsyrLG3unxi_/view?usp=sharing - google disk link
    https://dropmefiles.com/HcXAs - link works for 1 week
    https://www.sendspace.com/file/ufh19l - link works for 1 month

    Will pay if patched dlls will work. Please send patched files to barryw284@gmail.com.

  67. Hello

    I NEED! Windows 2008R2 email john.f.peacock@gmail.com

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Hello, I need patched winscard.dll file for Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard, Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600:
    I am ready to pay certain fee, for working patched files.
    Please contact by folowing email: usb2rdp@gmail.com

  70. Still functional. Thank you. 2020

  71. I can help with libraries for your OS

    1. If you know assembler, you can find the functions listed below and patch their response checking

      For Win7:
      In WinScard.dll WinStationIsSessionRemoteable function from WINSTA
      In SCartSvr.dll CheckTokenMembership function from ADVAPI32

      For Win Server 2012:
      In WinScard.dll WinStationGetCurrentSessionCapabilities function from WINSTA
      In SCartSvr.dll CheckTokenMembership function from ADVAPI32

      For Win10, Win Server 2019:
      In WinScard.dll WinStationGetCurrentSessionCapabilities function from WINSTA

      Don't forget:
      1) restart scardsvr if needed
      2) pathch both Winscard libraries from System32 and SysWoW64
      3) Windows File Protection
      4) different Windows subversions (e.g. Win10) can use different libraries versions, check it before copy patched libraries from other computer

  72. I can develop a solution for Server 2019, please write to systracer@gmail.com

  73. I need patched dll for windows 7 x64
    => WinSCard.dll Version: 6.1.7601.24059 Size: 134656
    => unknown WinSCard.dll version!
    please contact svetikboo@gmail.com

  74. I am looking for a solution for windows 10 2004
    please write to supportotecnico@live.com

  75. I need patched dll for windows 10 21h1
    please write to romainldino@gmail.com

  76. I need patched dll for windows 10
    please write to mpowerless@gmail.com

  77. I need patched dll for windows 7 x64 last update, patcher 03 has error "unknown WinSCard.dll version!"
    please contact 9123962 gmail.com

  78. Bad update for w7x64 who changes WinSCard.dll is KB4516065

  79. I need patched dll for windows 10 21h1 and server 2019/2022
    please write to petrovmaks1950@gmail.com

  80. Anyone who need to patch ,please email to elsesky@elsesky.bid with WinSCard.dll。

  81. i need a pathed winScard.dll for Server 2012 r2

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Hi guys! I can develop a solution for Server 2019/2016/2012 and Windows 10, please write to admin@somnikon.org

  84. Hi. I can help with all windows versions. shudrikn@gmail.com

  85. anybody can help me with dll? pls write me to aszhitarev@gmail.com
    many thnx

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Hello, if you have a solution for windows server 2019, I am taker

    Here is my email address: dakkounimehdi@hotmail.fr

    thanks in advance

  88. Always remember, we do this for education purpose. We are against using our result for personal benefit, profit or commercialization. No any kind of warranty, use on your our risk. Make sure you are understand what you are doing.

    Title: Windows 10/NT2019 Smart Card Subsystem and Remote Sessions
    Mfg: Microsoft
    With help: IDA 8.0 [x64], Hiew 8.40 (Licensed)

    W10 Pro 10 [x64]. Version 10.0.19045.3693

    File name: \system32\WinSCard.DLL
    File size: 252 928 bytes
    MD5: b063c8e6f68ee83299957d28048205bd

    0001D953: 8B 43 48 -> 31 C0 90

    NT2019. Version 10.0.17763.5122

    File name: \system32\WinSCard.DLL
    File size: 245 760 bytes
    MD5: 0b4f683e210b5fc496755d599f89332b

    00004B3F: 8B 43 48 -> 31 C0 90

    1. Hi
      can you share the patch for any windows 7 version or higher
      I've been trying for days to do it myself but no luck
      thanks in advance

    2. Please write the offset for x86, they are also needed.

    3. I mean syswow64, thanks.

  89. I tried to make it myself no luck
    can someone share the link of the patch that works for any version Windows 7 x32 or x64 or higher because no link works
    thanks in advance
